Get financial assistance for your emergency needs.
The Dalton State Foundation and Dean of Students Office have partnered to create the Roadrunner Student Emergency Fund to support Dalton State students who have demonstrated severe financial need. Any currently enrolled student may apply for financial assistance from the fund, which can be used to alleviate financial challenges resulting from health or medical needs, travel assistance, housing assistance, financial support, food insecurity, or other needs. Applicants must complete all questions in full and submit supporting documentation. Please note we may not be able to fulfill all requests.
Emergency Funds Coverage
Know the types of emergencies that are eligible and ineligible for student emergency funding. See the list below.
Covered Emergencies
Examples of emergencies or needs to be considered include, but are not limited to:
- Support shelter for a student in a dangerous situation due to acts of violence or other victimization
- Funding for travel or transportation of a student or a student’s belongings home due to family emergency, crisis, or death.
- Emergency medical expenses, essential prescription eyeglasses, or essential dental work
- Overdue utility bills reaching a turn-off notice
- Sudden loss of housing
- Books and other essential academic expenses
- Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire or natural disaster
Not Covered Expenses
Expenses that are not covered by the Student Emergency Funding include, but are not limited to:
- Parking tickets, library fines, or other expenses mistakenly incurred or preventable expenses
- Alcohol and drug related offenses, fines and court fees/ Penalties, fines, tickets, legal fees, or jail bonds
- Costs for entertainment, recreation, or non-emergency travel/ travel over breaks (Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring)
- Student conferences
- Credit collections or expenditures resulting from poor financial management.
- Study abroad costs
- Non-essential personal bills such as: credit card, cable, cell phone, etc.
- Funds for the replacement of lost or stolen items
Additional Community Resources
Additional community resources may be explored through Dalton State’s Community Resource Guide.
Click here for assistance or to make a donation.
Have questions?
Contact Dr. Jami Hall, Dean of Students.